Easy Graded Organ Music Book 1


Prelude, Albrechtsberger
Motet, ‘Dulcis Amica Dei, Anon.
Basso Ostinato, Boëllmann
Cortege Solennel, Boëllmann
Entrée Solennelle, Boëllmann
Fantasia on the hymn tune, ‘Adoro te devote’, Boëly
Fabordon, ‘Dic Nobis, Maria’, Cabezon
Agnus Dei, Couperin
Noël en musette, Charpentier
Musette, Corrette
Tambourin sur un noël provencal
Versetto, Fasolo
Prelude, Fischer
Communion, Franck
Preludium, van den Gheyn
Prelude, Gigault
Prelude du sixieme ton, Jullien
Prelude, Merkel
Preludio, Milleville
Prelude, Muffat
Prelude du Troisieme Ton, Nivers
from Chaconne in F minor, Pachelbel
Chorale prelude, ‘Nun lob’, mein’ Seel’, den Herren’
Chorale Prelude, ‘Treuer Gott, ich muss dir Klagen’
Toccata in G minor
Hymnus, ‘Eterne Rex Altissime’, Redford
Chorale prelude, ‘Christus, der ist mein Leben’, Reger
Trio, Rheinberger
Divertimento; Magister Jörg, Rhinck
Preambalon manualiter in Fa, Schapf
Versus (Magnificat Secundi Toni), Speth
Trio on the chorale ‘Herr Jesu Christ ich weiss gar wohl’, Töpfer
Interlude, Volckmar
Chorale prelude, ‘Gottes Sohn is Kommen’, Walther
Chorale prelude, ‘In dulci jubilo’, Zachau

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The two collections include the best of C. H. Trevor’s series ‘Organ Books 1-6’, and are ideal for teaching or for service use. The pieces have been specifically selected with the beginner’s needs in mind: a variety of easy and attractive items with simple pedal parts. Each book is arranged in order of difficulty, book one covering grades 2-4, book two grades 5-6.