Dancing Down the Aisle for manuals
Composer: Bonighton R., Fish A.V., Fletcher A., Higgins M., Hill E., Jones R., Lloyd R., Marsh J., Mawby C., Moore A., Tambling C., Terry D., Vann S., Warren N., Wright A.
Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
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Couple the Tuba for manuals
Composer: Bonighton R., Fletcher A., Jones R., Mawby C., Moore A., Nixon J., Vann S., Wright A.
Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
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Contemplation: Gentle music for manuals
Composer: Bonighton R., Hand C., Higgins M., Hill E., Jones R., Lloyd R., Marsh J., Mawby C., Nixon J., Roe B., Terry D., Vann S., Warren N., Wright A.
Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
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200 New Last Verses
Composer: Alley J., Bambrick R., Bate J., Bertalot J., Blinko T., Bonighton R., Brooke E., Fletcher A., Jones R., Kelly B., Lancelot J., Lindley S., Lloyd R., Mawby C., McCann J.C., Moore A., Nixon J., Nobes G., Proulx R., Saint D., Setchell M., Smith M., Tambling C., Tracey I.G., Wardell M., Wright A.
Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
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150 Last Verse Harmonies
Composer: Archer M., Bambrick R., Blinko T., Bonighton R., Fletcher A., Jones R., Kelly B., Lloyd R., Mawby C., McCann J.C., Moore A., Nixon J., Nobes G., Setchell M., Tambling C., Wright A.
Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
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100 Hymn Preludes for Manuals
Composer: Archer M., Bonighton R., Chappell H., Clark S., Fish A.V., Fletcher A., Gant A., Jordan J., Lane P., Lloyd R., Marsh J., Mawby C., Moore A., Moore P., Nixon J., Pantcheff R., Patten J., Proulx R., Roe B., Setchell M., Shephard R., Tambling C., Thomas Q., Vann S., Warren N.
Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
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16 Concertos Vol 3
Composer: Handel G.F.
Publisher: Alphonse Leduc
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16 Concertos Vol 2
Composer: Handel G.F.
Publisher: Alphonse Leduc
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16 Concertos Vol 1
Composer: Handel G.F.
Publisher: Alphonse Leduc
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