Many organists find worship songs difficult to play because the usual accompaniments are unsuitable for the organ. Here they sound like real organ music!
Arranged by Simon Lesley
Abba, Father, let me be
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
All heaven declares
All I once held dear
Amazing love
Ascribe greatness
As the deer pants
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Bind us together
By your side
Change my heart, O God
Come and see
Come on and celebrate
Father, I place into your hands
Freely, freely
From heaven you came
Give thanks with a grateful heart
God forgave my sin
God is good
He has made me glad
He is exalted
Here is bread
Holy and anointed one
Hosanna to the Son of David
How lovely on the mountains
I am a new creation
I believe in Jesus
I give you all the honour
I will enter his gates
I worship you
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, name above all names
Jesus shall take the highest honour
Jubilate, everybody
King of kings and Lord of lords
Knowing you
Led like a lamb
Let the flame burn brighter
Lord, the light of your love
Make way, make way
May the fragrance
Meekness and majesty
My desire
My Jesus, my Saviour
My Lord, what love is this
O let the Son of God enfold you
O Lord, your tenderness
Our God reigns
Praise him on the trumpet
Purify my heart
Refiner’s fire
Shine, Jesus, shine
Shout to the Lord
Spirit song
Such love
The King is among us
There is a Redeemer
The Servant King
The trees of the field
This is your God
To be in your presence
We believe
We’ll walk the land
We worship at your feet
You are the King of glory
You’re alive
You shall go out with joy
Many organists find worship songs difficult to play because the usual accompaniments are unsuitable for the organ. Here they sound like real organ music!
Publisher | Kevin Mayhew |
Composer | Lesley S. |