Vox angelorum – Engel in der Orgelmusik (= Die bes. Gattung 9)


Works by: Mulet, Elliot, Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Missa, SS Wesley, Steane, Eymieu, La Tombelle, Guilmant, Franck, Tambling, Lemare, Becker, Clark, Tournemire, Grey, Langlais and Sieber.

SKU: BU2466 Category:


Vol. 09: Vox angelorum – Angels in organ music (Man. u. Ped.) 

Publisher No. BU 2466 Angels in iconography have been documented and popular from early Christian times to the present day. But angels in music? It was not until the 19th century that notable contributions were made, particularly in organ music. The organ, with its countless register combinations, is predestined to demonstrate angelic sounds, and some registers even bear their names, such as Vox angelica or Vox angelorum. This anthology contains a selection of excellent organ works on the theme of “angels” from the 19th century to the present. What they all have in common is a sound that is “removed” from the gravity of the earth, which will delight players and listeners.

Works by: Mulet, Elliot, Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Missa, SS Wesley, Steane, Eymieu, La Tombelle, Guilmant, Franck, Tambling, Lemare, Becker, Clark, Tournemire, Grey, Langlais and Sieber.

“Despite the fundamentally more meditative approach, an astonishingly diverse collection has been created in which there is plenty of beautiful music to discover. The level of difficulty ranges from easy to medium, and a certain range is also offered in terms of length, without including really long works. Highly recommended.” [Musica Sacra 6/2013]

Additional information


Becker G., de la Tombelle F., Franck C., Guilmant F.A., Langlais J., Lemare E.H., Mendelssohn-Bartholody F., Steane B., Tambling C., Tournemire C., Wesley S.S.


Butz Verlag