Vorspiele, Versetten und Galanteriestücke für Orgel oder Klavier, Heft 2


By Franz Buhler

SKU: BU2975 Category:


Preludes, verses and gallantry pieces for organ or piano. Volume 2 (descending class) (Man. and Ped.), edited by Hermann Ullrich

The first volume of organ pieces by the Augsburg Cathedral Kapellmeister (BU 2802) has already become a beloved companion for many organists, especially for liturgical organ playing. The ten four-movement cycles in the second volume (in B keys up to four accidentals) also contain a wealth of practical, short and long works that are ideal as preludes and postludes as well as for communion/Lord’s Supper, even on one-manual instruments. The term “gallantry pieces” refers to the late classical-early romantic period in which the works were created – a time from which only a small production of original organ music has been handed down. This fact makes Bühler’s now complete, charming and sonorous collection all the more valuable in the history of organ music. “A volume that will bring joy! The composer knows how to write gallant music for church services that is easy to play and has a very pleasant effect. Many pieces are for manuals or with a simple pedal section. Absolutely ideal for liturgical organists.” [La Tribune de L’Orgue March 2021 (73/1)] “These miniatures, sparkling with esprit and imaginatively articulated, do not deny their affinity with the piano works of Mozart, Beethoven and Czerny, which can nevertheless be used in a stimulating way in liturgical use.” [Ars Organi 2/2021]

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Bühler F.


Butz Verlag