Preludes, verses and gallantry pieces for organ or piano. – Sample page Booklet 1 (ascending class) (Man. and Ped.), edited by Hermann Ullrich
Following the extremely popular “Organ Pastorelles” (BU 2473) and the “Galantry Pieces” (BU 2049) by Franz Bühler, we are now publishing a collection album containing further musical pieces by the Augsburg Cathedral Kapellmeister. Arranged in ascending sharp keys (major and minor up to four accidentals), it contains preludes, short verses and gallantry pieces that demonstrate great joy in playing and a wealth of forms. A lovely addition to the repertoire of literature at the transition from Classical to Romantic. “Bühler’s preludes, verses and gallantry pieces are beautiful-sounding treasures that experienced organists can play from the sheet music with ease and that can meaningfully expand the repertoire.” [Kirchenmusik im Erzbistum Bamberg 65/2017] “The generously designed edition means that the player can immediately begin to playfully implement the musical text and delight the listeners with these enchanting miniatures in liturgy or at concerts alike.” [Ars Organi 1/2018]