Tricentennial Two-Step for Benjamin Franklin


By Dana Paul Perna

SKU: BDE1150 Category:


For a variety of Museums across the United States, Leon Klayman, as director of the label “Art-in-Concert”, would compile period-driven audio CD compilations of music that corresponded to the featured artist on view at whichever museum the event was set to occur in (provided the Museum, and its souvenir shop, concurred with this enterprise). My participation on a majority of these CD’s was to serve as Leon’s mastering engineer. The CD Leon compiled for the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s retrospective with regards to Benjamin Franklin proved to be our final collaboration. It was my intention to prepare an original work as a way to conclude the disc, thereby demonstrating that Franklin’s influence and legacy carries on into more present times. Leon informed me that the project was to remain wholly devoted to music that corresponded to Franklin’s lifespan, specifically from 1706 to 1790. Nevertheless, Tricentennial Two-Step for Benjamin Franklin was composed in 2005 in order that it could be completed in time for celebrations that were set to occur at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 2006. Dana Paul Perna

Duration 2½ minutes