The Orgelbuchlein Project Vol.4


List of Composers

Nigel Allcoat
Johann Sebastian Bach
Sally Beamish
Christian von Blohn
Timothy Byram-Wigfield
John Butt
Stephen Hough
Juste Janulyte
Simon Johnson
Jonas Jurkunas
Daniel Kidane
Till Alexander Körber
Ronny Krippner
David Matthews
Nico Muhly
Anthony Powers
Tarik O’Regan
Roxanna Panufnik
Poul Ruders
Sven-David Sandström
Robert Saxton
Peter Shepherd
Andrew Synnot
Zsigmond Szathmáry
William Whitehead

SKU: EP73145 Category:


A 21st-century completion of Bach’s Orgelbüchlein Volume 4: Christian Life and Conduct (Chorales 87-113)

The Orgelbüchlein Project is a collective composition project aiming to complete Bach’s unfinished manuscript known as ‘Orgelbüchlein’. In the ‘Little Organ Book’, Bach laid out a complete hymnal of short organ chorale preludes, 164 in all, but only completed 46 of them. Why the remaining 118 were left as blank pages, with only a title at the head, remains a mystery, but they inspried organists William Whitehead to found the Orgelbüchlein Project, in which contemporary composers are invited to contribute a piece to completing the collection.

The resulting collection, to be published in six volumes, represents a cross-section of the most interesting composers at work today across Europe

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Edition Peters