Ten Chorale Preludes


By Peter Eben

SKU: H7845 Category:


Eben Ten Chorale Preludes for Organ

The Ten Choral Overtures for organ are intended for both liturgical purposes, and concert performance.  For this reason the notation is written in two staves, which is not usual for the organ.  The former of the two purposes forced the composer to respect certain limitations of technical complexity, so that even an untrained organist could perform the pieces.  The themes to each overture are taken from Bohemian Brethren chorales, which appear in their original form as brief “intonations” in the first few bars preceding each overture.  The piece was composed in 1971.

O, svetlo, Trojice svatá / Es geht daher des Tages Schein / Oh, Light, the Holy Trinity.
Ej, nuz lacní, zízniví / Wohlauf, die ihr hungrig seid / Ye Who Are Hungry and Trinity.
Díky vzdávám / Ich Dank dir schon durch deinen Sohn / I giv Thank.
In Natali Domino.
Jiz zasla slunce záre / Hinunter ist der Sonne Schein / The Sunschine Has Departed.
Umucení N. P. Jezu Krista / Jesu Kreuz, Leiden und Pein / The Suffering of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
O, clovece, povstaniz / Sonne der Gerechtigkeit / Oh, Man, Arise.
Hríchu svych oplakej / Es sind doch selig alle / Bewail Thy Sins.
Nastala noc / Die Nacht ist gekommen / Night Has Fallen.
Jat jsem v tom rozveselen / Lob Gott getrost mit Singen / I Rejoice In It

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Eben P.

