More Essential Repertoire for the church organist


Allegro by Alexandre Guilmant
Bishop’s blues by Betty Roe
Flourish for an occasion by Noel Rawsthorne
Prelude in A minor by Georg Böhm
Puer natus in Bethlehem by Dietrich Buxtehude
Tranquilly by Charles Hubert Hastings Parry
Trio (7ème couplet du Gloria) from ‘Messe pour les Couvents’ by François Couperin
Tu es Petrus by Jeanne Demessieux
Vesper Voluntary No. 3 by Edward Elgar

Grade 5

Attende Domine by Jeanne Demessieux
Basse de Trompette by Louis Marchand
Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag by Johann Sebastian Bach
Fugue from Praeambulum in F Vincent by Lübeck
Lamento by Alexandre Guilmant
O praise the Lord with one consent by William Thomas Best
Prelude in C by Jules Massenet
Tuba Tune in D by Craig Sellar Lang
Variation 3 from Kleine Choralpartita on ‘O Jesu, all mein Leben bist du’ by Petr Eben

Grade 6

Chorale Prelude on ‘Rockingham’ by Charles Hubert Hastings Parry
Fanfare by William Mathias
Festival Voluntary by Flor Peeters
First movement from ‘Concerto del Signor Meck’ by Johann Gottfried Walther
No. 5 from ‘Six short Preludes and Postludes’ by Charles Villiers Stanford
Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist by Georg Böhm
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig by Johann Sebastian Bach
Rockingham by Kenneth Leighton
Second movement from Sonata in D by Felix Mendelssohn

Grade 7

In dir ist Freude by Johann Sebastian Bach
Lobe den Herren, O meine Seele by Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Menuet Gothique from ‘Suite Gothique’ by Léon Boëllmann
Menuetto-Impromptu by John Ireland
Paean by Philip Moore
Praeludium in A minor by Dietrich Buxtehude
Récit de tierce en taille by Nicolas de Grigny
Ruhig bewegt from second movement of Sonata No. 1 by Paul Hindemith
Uns ist geboren ein Kindelein by Flor Peeters

Grade 8

Allegretto from ‘Five short pieces’ by Percy Whitlock
Fantasy on ‘Helmsley’ by Kenneth Leighton
First movement of Trio Sonata No. 1 by Johann Sebastian Bach
Hymne d’actions de grâces by Jean Langlais
Prelude and Fugue in G by Johann Sebastian Bach
Scherzo from ‘Ten pieces for organ’ by Eugène Gigout
Third movement from Sonata in B by Felix Mendelssohn
Toccata in F by Dietrich Buxtehude
Tranquilly by Charles Hubert Hastings Parry

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A further comprehensive volume including a wide variety of repertoire. The pieces have been selected from the ABRSM organ examinations starting with pieces required for Grade 4 and progressing through more challenging repertoire set for Grade 8.
Grade 4

Additional information


Bach J.S., Best W.T., Boehm G., Boellmann L., Buxtehude D., Couperin F., De Grigny N., Demessieux J., Eben P., Elgar E., Gigout E., Guilmant F.A., Hindemith P., Ireland J., Karg-Elert S., Lang C.S., Langlais J., Leighton K., Lubeck V., Marchand L., Massenet J., Mathias W., Mendelssohn-Bartholody F., Moore P., Parry C.H.H., Peeters F., Rawsthorne N., Roe B., Stanford C.V., Walther J.G., Whitlock P.


Kevin Mayhew