Grand Fantasia: The Storm in E minor


By Nicolas-Jacques Lemmens

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The Grand Fantasia (The Storm) uses the drama of a physical storm to represent an emotional one. The opening ominous chords lead to thundering chords and a programmatic representation of a storm that could fill every corner of a cathedral with reverberation. The storm is quelled by a Chorale section entitled ‘Prayer’, followed by a swelling finale of grandeur and peace. Jaak Nikolaas [Jacques Nicolas] Lemmens was a Belgian Organist and composer of the19th century. He was widely acknowledged to be the best Organist of his time, with particularly beautiful legato and pedal technique, some of which can be discerned from his compositions for his work Organ School. He was instrumental in bringing the works of Bach to France and Belgium, and was influential as an educator.

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Lemmens J.N.

