Festliche Prä- und Postludien der deutschen Romantik für Orgel solo, Bd. II


Works by: Sattler, Hesse, Merkel, Rinck, Fink, Esser, Herzog, Engel, Stein, Töpfer, MG Fischer.

SKU: BU2541 Category:


Festive Preludes and Postludes of German Romanticism Organ Solo Volume 2 (Ped.)

The first volume with “Festive Preludes and Postludes” has established itself as a valuable companion in the design of church services and concerts. The pieces, which are mostly three to six pages long, are versatile and of medium difficulty at most. There is a follow-up here: Once again, the large repertoire of German “organ romanticism” was searched for the best that the 19th and early 20th centuries had to offer in this respect. And once again, one is amazed by eleven high-quality works that will still captivate players and listeners today.

Works by: Sattler, Hesse, Merkel, Rinck, Fink, Esser, Herzog, Engel, Stein, Töpfer, MG Fischer.



Additional information


Engel J., Fischer M.G., Herzog J.G., Hesse A, Merkel G.A., Rinck C.H., Sattler. C, Topfer J.G.


Butz Verlag