Fantasie und Fuge


By Joh. Chr. Heinrich Rinck

SKU: BU2961 Category:


Fantasy and Fugue (Ped.) (First edition!)

Edited by Tobias Zuleger 

Just in time for the Rinck anniversary year 2020, a veritable discovery of a major organ work by Johann Christian Heinrich Rinck, probably the most influential German organ composer and pedagogue of the early 19th century alongside Mendelssohn, was published. The composer incorporated the individual movements of the three-part work in a modified form into collections of predominantly short organ pieces, but the entire work in its original form from around 1789 has so far remained unpublished. The composition, which is only of medium difficulty, is suitable as a worthwhile concert piece from the early 19th century, which was “poor in organ music”; the individual movements (Grave – Allegro moderato – Fuga) can also be played separately in church services.

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Rinck C.H.


Butz Verlag