Cantilene aus op. 148 und Improvisation aus op. 174


Works by: Adlam, Battmann, Boulay, Brosset, Claussmann, Claußnitzer, L. Couperin, Doumergue, Dubois, Eymieu, Faulkes, Goodhart, Gounod, Guéniffey, Guittard, Jones, Lebègue, Maes, Mignan, Missa, Pineau, Renard, Reuchsel, Saint-George, Spinney, Tritant, R. Vierne, Wachs and Willscher.

SKU: BU1367 Category:


Volume 02: Carillons in organ music (man. and ped.) 

Publisher No. BU 2016 Organs and bells are not only found in churches, but also form a successful combination in numerous musical works. What has a long tradition in France and Anglo-Saxon countries has yet to be discovered here. With 30 carillons, the volume provides an exciting insight into a genre of mostly festive, sometimes cheerful organ music in which bells or bell sounds form the basis of the works. The research for this volume brought to light many a master who is unknown today. Louis Vierne has many like-minded people!

Works by: Adlam, Battmann, Boulay, Brosset, Claussmann, Claußnitzer, L. Couperin, Doumergue, Dubois, Eymieu, Faulkes, Goodhart, Gounod, Guéniffey, Guittard, Jones, Lebègue, Maes, Mignan, Missa, Pineau, Renard, Reuchsel, Saint-George, Spinney, Tritant, R. Vierne, Wachs and Willscher.

Additional information


Boulay J., Claussmann A., Claussnitzer P., Couperin L., Dubois T., Faulkes W., Goodhart A.M., Saint-George G., Willscher A.


Butz Verlag