Be Still for the Presence Vol 1


Aria ‘In Paradisum’ by David Stokes
Chorale Prelude on ‘Aus der Tiefe’ by Arthur Robson
Chorale Prelude on ‘St Botolph’ by Ian Pattinson
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness by Stephen Barber
Elegy on ‘Anima Christi’ by Edward Marsh
Four Versets on ‘Picardy’ by Ian Tracey
Jesus Blessed Saviour by Keith Harrington
Meditation on ‘Abide with me’ by Tim Attride
Prelude on ‘Corpus Christi’ by Robert Cockroft
Meditation on ‘Adoro te devote’ by Steven Maxson
Meditation on ‘Sussex’ by Alan Bullard
O Bread of Heaven by Daniel Mansfield
Prelude on ‘Ewing’ by Clive Grey
Prelude on ‘Slane’ by John Hosking
Prelude on ‘Southwell’ by Mark Swinton
Prelude on ‘St Agnes’ by Annette Butters
Reflection by Ian Higginson
Reflection on ‘Amazing Grace’ by Ian Jordinson
Reverence by Richard Francis
Variations on ‘Song 13’ by Daniel Bishop

Series edited by Ian Tracey & Keith Harrington

SKU: COW-2024-017 Category:


Preludes, Interludes and mediations for service use

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Church Organ World


Attride T.S., Barber S.O., Bishop D.J., Bullard A., Butters A.M., Cockroft R., Francis R.J.E., Grey C.G., Harrington K.A., Higginson I.G.C., Hosking J., Jordinson I., Mansfield D., Marsh E.G.N., Maxson S.J., Pattinson I.A., Robson A.J., Stokes D.A., Swinton M.C., Tracey I.G.