Vier Orgelzyklen (Manualiter-Album Heft 3)


By Andreas Willscher

SKU: BU3010 Category:


Four organ cycles (Manualiter Album Volume 3). Volume 12  (56 pages)

Friends of the popular organ music of the Hamburg composer Andreas Willscher can look forward to a new volume with imaginative works for a wide range of uses in church services and concerts: As part of the editions with compositions for organ manualiter, Volume 3 is a volume with four cycles that are as varied as they are inspired, each dedicated to a special theme, sometimes profound and reflective, sometimes cheerful and mischievous – and always with Willscher’s well-known, infectious joy of playing. All 22 technically simple movements can be used in a variety of ways, both cyclically and individually and in selections – even independently of the titles that characterize them – and guarantee players and listeners unlimited musical enjoyment.

Contents: Triptyque Sainte-Radegonde – Seven variations on “Ubi caritas et amor” – Impressions from Rügen – Small wine breviary.

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Willscher A.


Butz Verlag