Praeludia aenigmatica (Ped.) 


Works by: W. Bönig, A. Boltz, P. Damjakob, M. Eichenlaub, O. Faulstich, A. Heiller, E. Horn, H.-J. Kaiser, M. Karas, G. Krahforst, L. Kunkel, J. Kursawa, F. Lehrndorfer, H. Leitner, T. Lennartz, P. Planyavsky, St. Schmidt, K. Schnorr, FJ Stoiber, A. Willscher and D. Zerfaß.

SKU: BU2222 Category:


Enigmatic Preludes (Ped.)  Puzzle pieces from “Musica Sacra”

 The editor of Musica sacra, Marius Schwemmer, in conjunction with the ACV, is publishing a summary of the puzzle pieces from Musica sacra issues 4/2006 to 2/2009: In addition to the pieces that have already been solved, the edition contains previously unpublished “bonus” compositions by well-known composers of our time. The volume contains 29 fun organ works over 25 cantus firmi by 21 composers.

Works by: W. Bönig, A. Boltz, P. Damjakob, M. Eichenlaub, O. Faulstich, A. Heiller, E. Horn, H.-J. Kaiser, M. Karas, G. Krahforst, L. Kunkel, J. Kursawa, F. Lehrndorfer, H. Leitner, T. Lennartz, P. Planyavsky, St. Schmidt, K. Schnorr, FJ Stoiber, A. Willscher and D. Zerfaß.

Additional information


Boltz A., Bonig W., Damjakob P., Eichenlaub M., Faulstich O., Heiller A., Horn E., Karas M., Krahforst G., Kunkel L., Lannartz T., Lehrndorfer F., Leitner E.L., Planyavsky P.


Butz Verlag