Vesper Melody Meditative pieces from the English Romantic period Edited by Hans-Peter Bähr 1 (Ped.) Volume 14 of the series “Organ music from England and America”
(52 pages) With this volume, the publisher is meeting the needs of the liturgically-demanded organist: the great demand for easily playable, not too long meditation music (2-4 minutes in length) is met here with 20 exemplary works. The origin of the pieces (English Romantic period) is a guarantee that they will not fail to have an effect on players and listeners; the titles of some of the pieces already indicate the direction: Evensong, Rêverie, Angelus, Dona nobis pacem, Berceuse, Vesper Melody.
Works by: Adams, Barnett, Botting, Boundy, Brewer, Button, Duncan, Foster, Harris, Haynes, Hopkins, Keene, Metcalfe, Pullein, Ross, Steane, Thorne and Wolstenholme.
“Twenty works on fifty pages offer the interested player a colorful array of melodious, beautiful and easy-to-play sounds. Suitable for the preparation of the gifts, communion or other occasions, these pieces are highly recommended. Any two-manual organ with a reasonably sufficient number of flutes and strings can play these pieces for