Communion and the Lord’s Supper [La Tribune de l`Orgue 4/2007] – Sample page – Sample page BU 1788 See the bread that we share here (Man. and Ped.) Edited by Wolfgang Bretschneider
Wolfgang Bretschneider presents a collection of 27 choral and free works on the themes of communion and the Lord’s Supper from four centuries. All of the works are of medium difficulty at most, including many that are being made accessible again after a long time, so that gaps in the repertoire are also being filled. In addition, a veritable ecumenical volume!
Works by: Andriessen, de Arauxo, Batiste, Boëllmann, Boëly, Brahms, Dienel, Eben, Fink, Franck, Frescobaldi, Gigout, Guilmant, Kellner, Merkel, Niedermeyer, Piutti, Reger, SaintSaëns, Scheidemann, Scherzer, Titelouze and Vierne.