Manualiter-Album (Heft2)


By Andreas Willscher

SKU: BU2955 Category:


Eight compositions (Manualiter album, issue 2). Volume 2 (Man.)

The shorter organ works by the popular Hamburg composer are characterized by their richness of sound, variability, great expressiveness and generally easy performance, but above all by one thing: their immediate and diverse usability in church music practice. The works in this anthology also meet all of the above criteria ideally; they range from dance movements to variations and short sonatinas, each of whose three movements – played individually – represent independent character pieces ranging from robust access to dreamy intimacy.

Contents: Gavotte montagne – Valse gothique – Ein Olmützer Kuckuck – Canzona with variations Es geht ein’ dunkle Wolk herein – Chant sacré – Sonatine 1 – Sonatine 8.

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Willscher A.


Butz Verlag