Born in a Stable


Edmund Connolly: Eight O antiphon preludes
Sarah MacDonald: Toccata on ‘Veni Emmanuel’
Janet Wheeler: Angelus ad virginem

Esther Bersweden: Interlude on ‘Away in a manger’
William Campbell: Flourish on ‘Irby’
Neil Cox: Carillon on ‘Divinum mysterium’
Sasha Johnson Manning: Berceuse on ‘Quelle est cette odeur agréable?’
Bryan Kelly (tr. Tom Winpenny): A Christmas dance
Gail Randall: Gaudete
Miriam Reveley: Prelude on ‘Stille nacht’
John Scott Whiteley: Canon on ‘Humility’
Amy Summers: Reflection on the Coventry Carol
Janet Wheeler: Angelus ad virginem
Joy Williams: The merry organ
Alison Willis: Prelude on ‘The first Nowell’
Jack Wilson: Pastorale on the Wexford Carol

SKU: Encore 010043 Category:


Organ music for Advent & Christmas: A collection compiled by Timothy Rogers

This collection contains 15 seasonal organ pieces by living composers. The music is suitable for use as voluntaries during Advent and Christmas services or for concerts. While some of the compositions are bold and energetic, other items are poignant and expressive. Overall, there is a broad mix of styles and composers, the majority of whom are women.

If you are an organist looking to refresh your Christmas repertoire, this book contains a number of stimulating new commissions on familiar carol and hymn tunes, including contributions from Neil Cox, Bryan Kelly, Sarah MacDonald and Janet Wheeler.

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Encore Publications


Bersweden E., Campbell W., Connolly E., Cox N., Kelly B., MacDonald S., Manning S.J., Randall S., Reveley M., Scott Whiteley J., Summers A., Wheeler J., Williams J., Willis A., Wilson J.