A Village Suite (manuals only)


By Tim Knight

SKU: 6058 Category:


Here’s another “manuals-only” suite by Tim Knight who knows the practicalities of church music. Whether you’re a pianist who is only beginning to work on pedal technique or you’re just looking for interesting new organ music, this music fills the bill!

Village Suite, named so because it’s playable on a small, village organ, has five movements:

  • Entrance Flourish
  • Introduction
  • Air
  • A Piece for Flutes
  • Voluntary

The movements are one-and-a-half to two pages long, and in a variety of styles and dynamic levels. The suite could easily be played as a long prelude or the movements can be played throughout the Mass.

Village Suite, along with Hambleton Suite, have been described in the United Kingdom as successors to the Voluntaries of John Stanley, an Englishman who wrote much music for manuals only. The two suites of Tim Knight are similar to these voluntaries in structure and format, though not necessarily in style. Indeed, Village Suite and Hambleton Suite are music Mr. Stanley would be proud of!

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Knight T.


Tim Knight Music